
Monday, July 29, 2013

Tobacco Terminology Truthiness

The following are all species and varieties of the tobacco plant. Only the common names and warnings have been changed to protect the infamous.

Scientific Name
Common Name
Nicotiana acuminate
dullard’s tobacco
Provides greater acumen (not)
Nicotiana alata
overboard tobacco
Makes you smoke a lot
Nicotiana attenuate
not-so-hot tobacco
Reduces your effectiveness
Nicotiana clevelandii
Cleveland tobacco
Makes you think you live in Cleveland
Nicotiana excelsior
bad-move tobacco
Makes you call your ex on their cell phone
Nicotiana forgetiana
whatchamacallit tobacco
Makes you, um, something . . . what was the question?
Nicotiana glauca
blind tobacco
Gives you glaucoma
Nicotiana glutinosa
way-too-much tobacco
Makes you a glutton
Nicotiana langsdorffii
Langsdorff's tobacco
Makes you want to be named Langsdorff
Nicotiana longiflora
fainting tobacco
Makes you lie down on a long floor
Nicotiana obtusifolia
thick-headed tobacco
Makes you obtuse
Nicotiana obtusifolia var. obtusifolia
super-thick-headed tobacco
Makes you really, really obtuse
Nicotiana obtusifolia var. palmeri
thick-headed palming tobacco
Makes you so obtuse you think you are a sleight-of-hand artist
Nicotiana paniculata
ack! tobacco
Makes you panic
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia
Tex-Mex tobacco
Insert your own joke here, this is for real
Nicotiana quadrivalvis
cardio tobacco
Makes you eligible for quadruple bypass surgery
Nicotiana quadrivalvis var. bigelovii
cardiologist-retirement-fund tobacco
Makes you eligible for quadruple bypass surgery with all the extras
Nicotiana quadrivalvis var. quadrivalvis
relapsed cardio tobacco
Makes you eligible for a second quadruple bypass surgery
Nicotiana quadrivalvis var. wallacei
Wallace’s cardio tobacco
Makes you delirious thinking you are Wallace from Wallace from Gromit
Nicotiana repanda
China zoo tobacco
Makes you want to revisit pandas
Nicotiana rustica
rustic tobacco
Makes you think you live in the country
Nicotiana suaveolens
shampoo tobacco
Makes you need Suave for oily hair
Nicotiana sylvestris
Sylvester’s tobacco
Makes you want to eat talking canaries
Nicotiana tabacum
kitten's tobacco
Makes you call for tabby cats
Nicotiana tomentosa
minty-breath tobacco
Makes you go find the nearest source of Mentos
Nicotiana trigonophylla var. trigonophylla
desert tobacco
Makes you like to do trigonometry again and again
Nicotiana velutina
translucent tobacco
Makes you want to make lots of tiny fancy invitations with vellum inserts
Nicotiana sanderae
carpenter’s tobacco
Makes you want to use a sander

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