• Although it is not a good idea to stand there, the sign does seem to suggest the possibility that it might be OK to sit, lay down, or play Parcheesi in that spot.
• The sign says to not stand "here," which could mean directly by the sign or some unknown radius around the sign. "Here" is just a tad vague, a rather undesirable quality for a "DANGER" sign.
• It appears that originally the sign may have read "falling mango," but then someone came along and pointed out there was more than one, as the "S" seems to have been tacked on after the fact.
• In case you weren't aware of the general import of the danger you are facing, they made sure to underline it for you for added emphasis. This may have been suggested by the same person who wanted the additional "S" added to "mango," as the underlining extends underneath the added "S."
• They seem to be testing to see if you are paying attention to the sign by coyly placing the small mango tree placard right under the sign. If you want to find out more about the mango tree, you must face the danger of the falling mango(s) or hope you came prepared with a long lens of some sort. Or perhaps, after all, you really just can't *stand* there, so you can get simply kneel in front of the placard.
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